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Astrology being an experiential social science, it substantiates equitable facets of human life with colossal complex nature. Due to inexorable density of court-cases and disputes snared in red - tapism and other legal convolutions, the enthusiasts go for horoscopic analysis to ascertain the prudence of anticipated verdicts. The modernity envisions the approach to archetypical streams of Legal Astrology to get things done, considering mass utility among the public. The Indian Dharmasastras substantiates the exterior prerequisites of the Justice whereas traditional Astrology illustrates the personality features and planetary yogas which lead to become a Lawyer. It is imperative to note, flow of time - honored knowledge of ancient sciences supported the later generations to materialize the code of laws, extending variegated human benefits even today. This venture evaluates the contributions of traditional sciences and efficacy of Legal Astrology by generalizing its validity in contemporary life.

Key words: Red -Tapism, Dharmasastras, Yoga, Time-honored.


The device measuring balance has been connected with Law signifies the seventh Astrological sign Libra; the symbol of justice, neutrality and commitment to rules contemplating the evidence presented before the honorable court. The sign of adjudication connected with justice has coupled with Zodiacal Airy sign Libra embodying natural justice, peace and tranquility of the community. The Astrologer verifies horoscopic features to detect the preponderance of possibilities about one’s court verdict and its success or failures. He analyses intensity of legal disputes, competence of the Lawyer and Judiciary Court or Appellate Tribunals to be approached to mitigate the queries. Contemporarily, Judicial Astrology becomes widespread wherein the concerned keep trust upon horoscopes reading and temporal prashna to substantiate the futuristic forthcomings of the accused and plaintiff.


The scriptural substantiation indicates that Niyamayati Iti Niyamah- which means one who allocates and directs for the distinctive functions of human laws discoverable through exercise of reason. The Niyama signifies the theory of skilled practical subject covering a set of rules and principles made by government authority which supports to integrate the internal and external dimensions of the citizen. Dharmasastra defines Law as preventive injunctions on permitted and restricted acts, considering self-control. The motto of the Supreme Court was previously ।।सत्यमेवजयते।।Truth alone succeeds has now been amended to ।। यतो धर्मस्ततोजय: ।।where there is dharma, there victory exists has got the closest linkage with the traditional concept of eternal dharma.


Administration of legal justice is one of the three-folded concepts of the great treatise of Arthasatra of Kautilya devoted to administrative justice known as Dandaniti-the science of law enforcement .According to Kutilya, the fundamental basics of justice has been entwined with dharma based on spotless truth, evidence founded on witnesses, custom centered on public acceptance and royal decrees. The judge is called Dharmastha covering bench consists of three Magistrates to resist anti-social activities. It highlights high value of justice system where no one is above the law. He was cautious about the effective law enforcement integrating the morality of the law enforcer, content of punishment and unbiased judicial verdicts. Chanakya offers distinctive insight towards penal code drafted by Macaulay interlinking the cultural and legal aspects of the past and rightful principles matching topresent, emphasizing foundation of the judicial independence. Modern Gandhian thought, consider theJustice as seeker of truth (Satyagrahi) who never condemns the sinners.


The Laws of Manualias Mānava-dharmaśāstra contain valid rules of observance of moral acts. It emphasis the vyavaharapada wherein eighteen title of laws covering judicial procedures of the ruler forming part of Indian civilization. The core principles of translation of truth and action of morality has been covered in Taittiriya Upanishad forming the part of Sanatana Dharma.सत्यमितियथाशास्त्रार्थतसएवअनुष्ठीयमानः धर्मनामभवति[1]The primordial Indian rule of Law covers the universal sense of impartial, ethical confinement, social and legal justice. The jury system got inter-relations with Judicial Committee of the Privy Council as told in Shukra-Nitisara. They fall under the category of Smritis which exists as standard reference to adjudicate civil and criminal aspects to be practices by the rulers and the ruled that has to serve for the fellow beings. Saint Katyayana refers the injunction, court decrees and arguments connected with violation of law.


If the lord Ascendant, the Sun and Moon gets exalted, located in own or friendly sign or occupied in quadrants and trine forms Srikanda Yoga to support the native to become a legal expert.ध्यायत्यात्मनि सन्ततं सुनियमः शैवव्रतेदीछितःसाधूनामुपकारकः परमतेष्वेव नसूयो भवेत्तेजस्वी शिवपूजया प्रमुदितः श्रीकण्ठयोगोद्भवः[2]Another auspicious yoga Saraswathy makes the individual a judge or lawyer if the Mercury, Jupiter and Venus posited with trine or quadrants aspect and the 2nd house becomes Sagittarius or Pisces. Ancient text Jataka-Tattwa, explained the symptoms of Lawyers and Advocates very clearly.जामित्रे मन्दे चन्द्रेखे वाग्मी। मन्दाच्छौ वित्तेमंदभे अर्क्के वाग्मी ।दिवा सिंहे ज्ञेवाग्मी । धनेशेसौम्ययुते केन्द्रकोणेवा शुभेक्षितेपुंग्रहयोगे वाग्मी।धनेशेपारावतांशे केन्द्रे वाग्मी। सौम्यांशे जीवे वाग्मी। वागीशांशपेउच्चे गोपुरे ववाग्मी ।सशुभेजीवे वर्गोत्तमेवाग्मी ।धनेशे पारावतांशेजीवयुते वाग्मी[3]Jataka-Tattwa expedited the symptoms of Legal expert with extensive meaning having verisimilitude:-

(a) Location of Saturn in 7th and the Moon in 10th house. (b) Both Saturn and Venus sighted in 2ndhouse and the Sun posited in house of Saturn. (c) Mercury positioned in Cancer sign while birth. Lord of 2nd house conjoined with a benefic and occupied in quadrants or trine with due aspect from both benefic and a male planet. (d) The lord of 2nd house attained at paravathamsha and positioned in Kendra. (e) If the Jupiter is sighted in Navamsha owned by Mercury.

Brihat Samhita designated the identifiable physiognomic symptoms of individuals based on the topographies of the forehead. The second houses signify means of communication and adjudication and sixth stands for litigation. The 9th house denotes justice holding the lordship of Jupiter and 10th house represents legal career with the ruling planets such as Sun, Mercury and Saturn. Planets Mercury implies intelligence and speech, Saturn signifies Law and Order and Mars connotes courage and litigation. The mutual connection between 2nd, 6th, 9th and 10th houses support the native to become a successful Lawyer. If the 2nd, 5th, 9th or 12th is owned with five hostile planets covering Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu indicatesconfinement.


Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and Rahu are the significant planets in natal chart associated with successful Legal service. Guru is planet represents critical knowledge, arbitration and execution of law. Mars integrates temporal decision making and appropriate verdicts whereas Saturn connotes the Law, dress code of honorable justice. Rahu signifies false clients, deceptive statements, biased approach and the judicial house of litigation. Mercury designates the eloquence of Corporate Lawyer; Saturn-Mars-Rahu combination in 12th house detects Criminology. The combination of Saturn-Ketu denotes Taxation, Sun-Moon justifies Government, Jupiter-Moon permutation designates Arbitrary, Venus symbolizes family court and Saturn-Mars combination epitomizes Insurance and accident claim tribunal. According to stellar Astrology, the Bharani, Krthik, Swathi, Magha, Moola, Uttarashada, Margshira and Vishakha born natives catch-up the supreme service of Judge of the higher courts of the nation.


Specific yogas covering Bhadra ShauryaGhadgayoga, Gajakesari, Sunabha,Karmadhipati, Bhaskarayoga, Koormayoga, Cchatra, Danda, Budhaditya, Karmajeeva, Simhasana and Sastravijnana stands highly auspicious legal professions.

प्राज्ञ: पंकजगर्भ पाणि सत्वाधिको योगविल् ।[4]शौर्यजो भवति राम इवासौ राजकार्य निरतो अतियशस्वी[5] ।वेदार्थशास्त्र निखिलागम तत्वयुक्ति बुधिप्रताप वीर्यसुखानुरक्तः निर्म्मल्सरो भवति भूरियशास्सुशीलः खड्गे क्रियासु कुशलः कुशली कृतज्ञः[6]।शास्त्राअर्थविद्रूपवान गन्धर्व श्रुति वित्तवान् गणितद्धीरसमर्थो भवेल्[7] ।According to JatakaParijata, the Dwigruhayogas (combination of two planets) and Kusuma Yoga makes the native the amicus curiae and the judge of commission on enquiry, appointed by the government.


The ostensible services of Chief Justices can be detected based on the strength of Ascendant, significance of birth-star, favorable combinations of Jupiter, Mars and Mercury and allied features stipulated in Astrology. The students choosing the discipline of law are advised to seek Astrological guidance before selecting the courses and to examine the preponderance of possibilities about the success. The press report indicates, the case pending with subordinate courts, high courts and Supreme Court of India shows increasing trend[8]. All the verdicts depend upon a set of constitutional rules and factual evidences but ultimately ends up final verdict based on personal will of the Judge. Legally, Astrology has been confided as science and is being dexterously practiced over thousands of years[9]. As the case it may, the sidereal applicability of legal astrology warrants ample scope of contemporary relevance. Every social science absorbs knowledge from scientific generation of the next, seeking further validation in give and take mode. This endeavor keeps open ended exposing ample opportunity for the scholastic corollaries to conduct further studies on Legal Astrology by sharing traditional knowledge without discriminating the scientific principles of social justice

References: -

[1] Bruhadarakopanishad Prushta-184.

[2] Mantreswara, Phaldeepika (2002), Yogadhayaya, Chap.6, Ver.29

[3] Prof. N.E.Muthiswamy, Jataka Tattwa, Bhagya Books, Trivandrum (2002), Chap-3, Ver-304-313, pp.67.

[4] P.S.P.Nampoothiri, Bruhajjataka Paddhati, ST Reddiar, Quilon (2008), Chap-6, Ver-9, pp.95.

[5]Ibid. Ver-77, pp.118.

[6]Ibid. Ver-77, pp.118.Ver-120, pp.133.

[7]Ibid. Ver-77, pp.118., Ver-101, pp.127.

[8] Indian Today News dtd.12th Feb, 2021.

[9] Time of India News dtd.3rd Feb, 2011.

Author ~ Dr.Radhakrishnan,

MA-Hist, MA-Pub.Admn, Ph.d (Astro),

Independent Researcher, Guruprasadam Anusandhana Kendra Palghat, Kerala.

Co - Author ~ Adv. R.Ajithkumar,

Ph.D Scholar(Astro),

PRIST University, Tanjavur

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